15th Annual Report of the Charter


24 November 2016

15th Annual Report of the Charter

The fifteenth annual report of the International Charter is now available, and describes the Charter's activities throughout 2015.

The Charter was activated 37 times in 2015, covering disasters in 27 countries. Between other activations, the Charter was triggered for:

  • a dam-collapse in Brazil, for the first time.
  • an aircraft accident, for the second time. In particular, it was activated for the crash of the Russian airliner in Egypt.
  • the earthquake that struck Nepal in April 2015. The earthquake has been recorded as the deadliest event in 2015, killing nearly 9,000 people and the third most severe natural catastrophe since 2009 by number of fatalities.

The Charter Board has accepted the Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE) of Venezuela as a new member and their integration will be completed in 2016.

The Charter also started collaboration with the CEOS Working Group on Disasters to allow CEOS Pilot teams to access Charter data in order to support their research, once an activation is closed.

The new web-based Charter Operational System (COS-2) is operational since the beginning of March 2015.

The Universal Access process is also progressing, and expanded the network of Authorised Users reaching the total of 56 user organisations in 48 countries and the European Commission in 2015.